(I know it's ugly but it wouldn't let me do it any other way for that link)
I really enjoyed this blog. It was very well written and came from someone inside the Stars organization, which I believe to be a reliable source. One of my favorite paragraphs from the blog:
Avery’s reputation – which by all accounts – he worked hard to earn and
richly deserved – permeated the Stars room like a foul odor well before he
ever physically set foot in it. Once he did get here – he did not go
out of his way to overcome it. And things deteriorated from
I also found it funny that he now asks for help for his "anger management" issues. Is this a cop-out? Is he trying to blame something other than his poor judgment for his behavior? According to this blog, he was asked to not talk to the media and yet he did. He blatantly disregarded a request by his employer. Instead of taking responsibility for his actions, he seems to be blaming it on "anger management" issues. I am so sick of people not taking responsibility for their actions. It's stress, it's them not me, it's fill-in-the-blank. Seriously grow up and accept that you messed up.
Try to learn some class Mr. Avery. It will take you much farther in all aspects of your life then the way you act now.
Oh and I am surprised he didn't find some way to insult Shane Doan in all of this! :P
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